We finished up the PECS(picture exchange system) for the classrooms that wanted them for their nonverbal students. We made a total of 10 sets of about 30-40 pictures and various boards. This is one thing the teachers had asked for help with since they didn't have any and didn't know how to make them or implement them. Unfortunately the PECS system requires a lot of training but we encouraged the teachers to research more online and to email us with any questions.
We distributed the rest of the materials we had brought and toys. After seeing the classroom materials we decided to also purchase some more toys, books, and school supplies with the funds from TAMUK for our student organization.
Each of us made a plan for the classroom we were assigned to and gave suggestions on what to do with each student.
At the end of the day they held a farewell assembly for us. The children sang songs and said prayers for us. The students' also gave presentations and gifts to whoever worked in their classrooms. I don't think there was a single dry eye in our group. The principal gave everyone a thank you gift and some baked goods the children made.
We donated a lab top computer to the school at the ceremony that has therapy materials and a few games. The students and teachers were very appreciative since they didn't have any modern computers.
We have been inspired by the teachers, students, and principal at Stella Maris. We hope this is just the beginning of a long term relationship and ongoing partnership with Stella Maris School.
Another thanks to everyone who has supported us along the way!
Brianna Bates
Founding President, Students for Global Communication
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